Friday, October 14, 2011

How to get a child to smile in a picture!

I’ve found that photography, one of the hardest things to do is get someone to smile. This applies to everyone especially children. Personally, I believe the cutest pictures of anyone is one where you can really see that they are feeling something. Whether it be sadness, excitement or happiness.

After working in a children’s photo studio for many months I’ve found a few technices that really get true happiness in a child’s face. As you can see from A Goofy Movie, Goofy understands. It's a hard job to get them to smile! I’m not saying you have to swallow a squeeker, but you do need to laugh a little too.


1. Depending on their age they are not going to smile for you. So the best thing you can do is roll your tongue. Start quiet near the baby and as you pull away get higher in pitch and louder in sound. If you can’t get their attention because they are getting distracted by something moving our a light. Cup the side of their face, near their eyes and guide them toward the direction you want their eyes to look. Keep in mind they are babies so none of this should be forcefull or hurting to the little guy or girl!

2. Peeka-boo should be your first go to. It’s hilarious trust me! But if they don’t think its as hilarious as I do, you can pop your lips together and get closer to their face pop and move back. This works with overly happy babies. You can also roll your tongue as well.

3. Fake sneeze, this works only with the fewest of babies but, they will laugh the cutest laugh you’ll ever see!


Before you start let them make silly faces just so they become closer to you! LIKE THIS!
This will warm them up to you !

1. You will need to meet your new best friend: the feather duster! A Rainbow one to be exact! This thing works wonders! You shouldn’t just start tickling them right away. Set it next to them to see if they aren’t scared of it. SOME CHILDREN ARE REALLY SCARED OF IT! That’s okay. You can try something different, but if they aren’t go for it! The funnest thing to kids isn’t the getting tickled part it’s the whole build up for the tickle. Say “I’m gonna get you,” and move the feather duster back and forth. Don’t be scary when you say this either you don’t want to damage the child for life! But as your moving it back and forth, with every side to side movement get closer and closer! And tickle them, or bop them lightly on the head, they think it’s hilarious!

2. If they are smart, they’ll figure out that the feather duster really doesn’t tickle them. So try tickling mommy or daddy! That is even more funny!

3. Say “Don’t smile, don’t even think about it! Are you smiling? Oh I see a smile.” BAM! Take that picture because that child will laugh! It may seem simple and stupid but it works wonders! If they won’t crack, make a silly face!

4. If they are really angry always have a toy that will help them calm down. Bouncy balls work amazingly and if you hand the ball to them ask to have it thrown back at you. (This could go really good or really bad, make sure your reflexes are in check!)

5. If they don't want to show their teeth don't make them. Just have them be as natural as possible!

If you can’t get a smile out of a kid with these simple things it’s okay some kids are just not happy! Either way in any face that they make you should still snap it! You might end up with one like this!

For more AWESOME advice and pictures go to Emily Malcolm Photography!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why I do What I do.

My first post... I better make it good then!

So I'll start my blog out with why I love what I do. I do photography. I'm a photographer. Why I am where I am right now truly makes me believe that everything happens for a reason.

I had always liked Photography. I always thought that it was this beautiful thing that I was so confused about and wanted to learn more. I'm still confused at times but I know millions more than I did 5 years ago.

I had picked photography as an elective for my junior year of high school, not thinking that I was really going to get into it as much as I did. I remember getting my schedule and seeing Photography as my first period class. I was furious. This was my back up class, I didn't REALLY want to get in. I immediately went to the office to try and fix this "problem" with my schedule. I was pretty much told too bad and ended up staying in the class. And I fell in love.

It was an all film class only black and white. We rolled, took, developed our own film. Every time we were handed a new assignment I got so excited. I would want to go to school to develop the film to see what I had done. I had made these black the black they were I had made the whites white. It was a mind-blowing experience. I'd always go to school to get more film so I could take different types of the projects my teacher had given us. It was just the perfect fit to what I needed. I had never felt like I was good at anything but when I picked up my camera, I felt alive. The noise my shutter made as I took a picture made me so excited.

As the year went on I kept loving Photography more and more my teacher suggested I try the Advanced Portfolio for my senior year. And in a heartbeat I said yes. It was such a great learning experience. And now I'm a student at Brook's Institute in Ventura. I've never felt such excitement in a classroom. I actually felt like I was in the right place.

Alright, I think thats enough for the night.

Until Next Time,